Category Archives: Financiële vrijheid

EU wants to claim taxes from EU citizens

June 30, 2011. Today the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad shows a headline: “EU wil Europese belasting heffen”. It means EU for the first time openly talks about taxing EU citizens. To me this is an insane idea.

Our Minister of Finance Jan Kees de Jager in his first reaction said:”I don’t support the introduction of European taxes”. Continue reading EU wants to claim taxes from EU citizens

New rule of money 6: Learn the language of money

June 30, 2011, Learn the language of money.

We think in language and create everything around us with the use of language. Our schoolsystem is controlled by the government and build to train employees. So you learn nothing in school about what money really is.

Even worse, school is dumming you down. You are not supposed to think for yourself. Continue reading New rule of money 6: Learn the language of money

New rule of money 4: Prepare for bad times and you will only know good times.

24 September 2010. Since most nowadays entrepreneurs haven’t lived through a world war or long lasting crisis this is a rule that is hard to crasp for most of us, because since World War II ended in 1945 sixty five years have passed and economy has been booming, especially after 1971. Continue reading New rule of money 4: Prepare for bad times and you will only know good times.

New rule of money 3: Learn to control cash flow.

13 may 2010. To control cash flow we first need to know what cash flow actually is, how it works..What is cash flow? Why is it important to control your cash flow?
The words speak for themselves. Cash flows in and out. For most people cash in, to earn money is no problem. I can only speak coming from the context I am living in. Continue reading New rule of money 3: Learn to control cash flow.