Tag Archives: online marketing

How I raised my turnover with more then 135% in two months.

How I raised my turnover with more then 135% in two months. This vlog is a tesimonail for Alex Mandossian, Succes Resources and Okura Hotel Amsterdam.

Last week I attended the Guerrilla Business Intensive 2018 in Okura Hotel Amsterdam, organized by Succes Resources and hosted by Okura Hotel Amsterdam. The presenter was Alex Mandossian. This time was my second time I attended GBI and now as a crew member to give back and give forward to other like minded success oriented entrepreneurs and enterprises.

What you learn in GBI
Topics are marketing, sales, negotiation and copy writing.

Marketing and sales
Marketing and sales are the two most important things to any business. Like Alex says: “Every business is a marketing business“.

I raised my turnover by studying and implementing the material Alex gave us consistently for at least 6 months and I know that it works because I have experienced it. So I have decided that I now will do this ongoingly again, and again, and again, in order to master the basics and be a master.

I have also decided that i will create a marketing training for lawyers. I will keep you posted.

To your success!